King's Kids is our Children's Ministry for ages K - 5th grade.  At King’s Kids, we have the desire to teach our children about Jesus by providing a diverse and wide range of children’s programs throughout the year. 



Mid-Week Kids // 6:00 p.m. 

Join us each Wednesday night for a meal beginning at 5:30 p.m. (Children eat free)  


We have an engaging and fun program for kids on Wednesday nights, centered around Scripture memorization, in-depth Bible study, missions, and Christ-centered relationships.  


It allows children to experience large group Bible study and recreation/game time. Throughout each semester, we host several theme nights that centers around Jesus and family fun. 



9:30 AM // Sunday School 

Kids spend time in Sunday School with their peers and caring adult teachers, with activities focused around each week’s Bible lesson. 


Each lesson is Christ-centered and fun. Our prayer is for our Children to not just know about Jesus, but to develop a personal relationship with him.



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